We have a team of experienced specialists in company formation in Cayman Islands, accountants, lawyers, financial analysts and business consultants. Our main objective is to help our clients open legal entities in the Cayman Islands by complying with all the administrative, legal and taxation rules and regulations required in this…
Purchasing a yacht is a form of investment that can be subject to additional expenses once the vessel starts sailing and the owner needs to pay registration fees and taxes. Investors can create an offshore strategy for their investments in vessels just as much as they plan for offshore company…
Foreign investors who wish to set up a business commonly use the Cayman Islands non-resident company. This is a type of legal entity that is an alternative to the exempted company and can engage in offshore business transactions as it is not allowed to do business in the Islands. This…
The Cayman Islands Shipping Registry (CISR) is the authority in charge with registering vessels as well as maritime administration and related services in the Islands. They operate a number of vessels as well as have a core role in the shipping industry. The Registry maintains a number of partnerships with…
The accounting and audit requirements for a company in the Cayman Islands are simple and, in general, they only make it mandatory for company owners to submit a simple annual return. Particular cases include those companies that are regulated by the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority, as our agents who specialize…
The liquidation of a company is the process of ending the business and satisfying the existing claims of the creditors. In most cases, liquidation will take place once the company has become insolvent, as soon as it can no longer pay its obligations. Our team of Cayman Islands incorporation specialists…
Here are 10 of the most frequently asked questions our Cayman Islands incorporation consultants get from our clients. 1.What are the benefits of registering a company in Cayman compared to other countries? The Cayman Islands is famous for registering offshore companies and it confers and extremely advantageous tax system which does…
The Cayman Islands offer a wide range of advantages, from stability and business structure flexibility to no taxes for companies and a fast incorporation process. Our agents summarize the Cayman Islands incorporation rules and can assist foreign investors who wish to open a company here. The main requirements for Cayman…
The Cayman Islands are one of the most popular offshore centers and one of the countries that are considered a tax haven. This is possible because of the tax-free regime applicable in the Islands. More specifically, the fact that there is no applicable profits tax for the income derived by…